Having a motorcycle to ride is a fantastic adventure and the best therapy money can buy; it makes you one with yourself and your surroundings, a connection with nature rarely found in a car ride. Exposed to the elements, riders can truly immerse themselves in the environment, experiencing the sun, the wind, the scents, and the scenery in a profoundly intimate way.
On a motorcycle, you are connected to every mile you ride. You smell the brush. You hear the birds and the crickets. You can look down and see every inch of your travel pass beneath you. There is a power plant between your legs with several hundred explosions happening continuously only inches away from your nutsack.
You are starkly aware of every inch of your journey. It’s not just a departure and a destination, every ride is an adventure.
Believe it or not, motorcycle riding can be a mindful practice. When you’re on a motorcycle, you’re fully in the present moment. You’re hyper-aware of your surroundings, the road ahead, the machine underneath you, and even your own body. This intense focus often leads to what psychologists call a ‘flow state,’ a complete absorption in one’s activity that leads to an altered sense of time and self.
Motorcycle riding, in essence, is not merely a mode of transport but a complex psychological experience that intertwines freedom, mindfulness, thrill, community, personal growth, self-expression, and connection with nature. It’s a blend of these elements that captivates the hearts of riders and fuels their passion for the open road. So why do we ride? Maybe the question should be, why wouldn’t we?
Get out there and buy that motorcycle.